Support Our Cause
DECOLPSYCH is a project co-ordinated by a core group of activists and academics from both global North and South (see ‘About’ page). Our aim is to extend and deepen decolonising work in the psy-disciplines and critical mental health. Anyone donating £20 or more will be invited to apply to become a Member of DECOLPSYCH — see ‘Contact for Deeper Involvement’ Page.
Please donate to future activities related to this work, as you are able. Our work is not for profit — we have no paid employees, but do get technical help when necessary for which we pay. At present we are totally self-funded with donations from Core Team only. Funds are currently used to develop this website and its decol activities, but we hope to embark on other work as funds and time of Core Team allows and as we get ourselves organised.
Thank you in advance for supporting this work.