DECOLPSYCH is a project co-ordinated by a group of activists and academics from both global North and South (see ‘About’ page). Our aim is to extend and deepen decolonising work in the psy disciplines and critical mental health.
Please use this form to contact Suman or Hari. If you wish to contact other members of the support team their e-mail addresses are listed on ‘About’ page with their permission. You are invited to make comments, ideas, and suggestions. Donations to our work are welcome.
Funding for ongoing expenses.
Our work in creating and maintaining this website is not for profit. However, maintaining the website requires funds. Please note that the work already done in constructing (e.g. well over £1000 in lump-sum payments and charges made by Squarespace) have been met by Suman and Hari. receive no grants or subsidies. In order to enable us to continue the website work and hopefully extend its scope (for instance opening activity on providing platforms for resources and putting on zoom presentations) we really do need to raise funding, Access to will remain free but we may need to make small charges for some events but always making provision for free access as well. We plan to start an active membership scheme linked to special privileges for members. In the meantime there is already a means on the website for donations. Any funds we get from donations (see Donations’ page) will be used to develop the website itself and we hope to extend it’s work as funds (hopefully) come in.
We hope to have a system in place shortly whereby anyone who donates at least £20 and is willing to make a commitment to engage with other members actively will be offered membership of DECOLPYCH, membership itself being by invitation of Hari and his team at Hari Sewell Consultancy, advised by peer-review: Members will have exclusive access to the members section of the website DECOLPSYCH containing the pages ‘Bibliography’ (containing ‘References for Sample Framework’ and ‘General bibliographies’), ‘Getting in Touch’ and ’Sample Framework’. If successful, we expect that members will
(a) meet virtually every month;
(b) develop a Plan for Decolonising Psychiatry and Psychology by modifying / adding to the sample framework (‘Sample Framework’ page); and
(d) contribute individual blogs or videos published on ‘Videos’ Page or ‘Blogs’) on the DECOLPSYCH website.
Thank you in advance for supporting